Monday 12 October 2015

How to enter Cash Sales with GST in BlueOcean Accounting

1. Cash Sales with GST


Date               Bill No        Gross         GST        Total Inclusive GST
2015/01/12       1234       1200.00       72.00           1272.00
2015/01/13       1235         800.00       48.00             848.00
2015/01/14       1236         150.60         9.04             159.64

A. Loging in to BlueOcean Accounting

1. Open Firefox or Google Chrome
2. key in the this url
3. Click to Sign in here
4. key in user id: webdemo
     password: webdemo
5. Click at General Ledger

B. Transaction Entry

1. click at Transactions With GST Simple Entry

 2. click at Cash Sales Transactions

3. click at cs201501 (Cash Sales Journal for January 2015)
4. click at the Add New Record link

5. key in 1001 at the Voucher Number box, then Press the [enter] key
or click at the Submit button (if you see this message "Voucher Number already exist, please use a different Voucher Number" , just change the voucher to the next bigger number)
6. select Cash in Hand for the 1.Cash A/c and key in 1272 at the Debit Amount Box
6.1 key in 72 at the Credit Amount box for 2. Output Tax A/c
6.2 select Sales for 4.Standard Rated Sales, notice that the gross sales amount is entered automatically at the Credit Amount Box
6.3 key 12 at the 6.Date box
6.4 key in the bill number 1234 at 7.Narration1 box
6.5 click at the Submit Button to save this journal transaction
7. Now you can see the saved transaction as below.
8. Repeat step 5 to 7 for bill no 1235 and 1236